Frases sobre ''Youngest''
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Tommy Smothers is my longest mentor, and Dave Eggers is my youngest.
Autor: Don NovelloYoungest , Mentor , Longest , Dave
My youngest son is a writer. He wrote for 'The District' and 'CSI: NY.'
Autor: Craig T. NelsonHe , Son , Youngest , Writer
The oldest of the arts and the youngest of the professions.
Autor: Derek BokYoungest , Arts , Oldest , Professions
I have two older sisters; I'm the youngest.
Autor: Elizabeth PerkinsTwo , Youngest , Older , Sisters
To the best of my knowledge, my youngest reader is 10 and the oldest is 95.
Autor: Gail CarrigerBest , Knowledge , Youngest , Reader
Being the youngest ensures I'm the most pampered one of the lot!
Autor: Krystle D'SouzaBeing , Most , Youngest , Pampered
I'm still not used to the idea of being the youngest circumnavigator.
Autor: Laura DekkerBeing , Still , Youngest , Used
When I was 17, I was a Lakers Girl; I was the youngest girl on the squad.
Autor: Moon BloodgoodGirl , Youngest , Squad , Lakers
We are none of us infallible not even the youngest of us.
Autor: William Hepworth ThompsonEven , Us , None , Youngest
As I was always the youngest, I had to fight for everything.
Autor: Xherdan ShaqiriEverything , Always , Fight , Youngest