Frases sobre ''World Cup''

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The World Cup was the biggest thing ever for the national team, but the Champions League is the biggest thing for clubs.

Autor: David Villa
  World , Team , Champions , World Cup

Playing a World Cup is spectacular.

Autor: Diego Forlan
  World , Playing , Cup , World Cup

Of course I would have liked to have played at the World Cup, but I achieved so much in my career as a footballer that I can't have any complaints.

Autor: George Weah
  Career , World , Footballer , World Cup

The World Cup is a truly International event.

Autor: John Motson
  World , Cup , Event , World Cup

The World Cup has been life-changing, for many reasons.

Autor: Julie Ertz
  World , Been , Cup , World Cup

A World Cup without Argentina isn't good.

Autor: Kaka
  World , Good , Without , World Cup

I will be a World Cup winner.

Autor: Neymar
  World , Will , Winner , World Cup

I would obviously love to go to the World Cup.

Autor: Tammy Abraham
  Love , World , Go , World Cup

It is a childhood dream to be in the World Cup.

Autor: Thibaut Courtois
  World , Dream , Childhood , World Cup

I scored in a World Cup and I want that buzz again.

Autor: Jermain Defoe
  Want , World , Again , World Cup

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