Frases sobre ''Workplace''
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Maybe in the workplace I have more courage than other areas in my life.
Autor: Naomi WattsLife , My Life , Courage , Workplace
The key to an ideal workplace, in one hyphenated word, is this: self-awareness.
Autor: Neil BlumenthalWord , Self-Awareness , Key , Workplace
What we know is the workplace is more demanding than ever before.
Autor: Margaret SpellingsMore , Know , Than , Workplace
It's hard to keep family life and workplace separated.
Autor: Monique LhuillierLife , Family , Hard , Workplace
The prevailing system of management has crushed fun out of the workplace.
Autor: W. Edwards DemingManagement , Fun , Out , Workplace
As consumers, we can pressure corporations both to monitor and improve workplace conditions overseas - when inspections reveal violations, these companies should address the gaps immediately.
Autor: Alissa QuartShould , Pressure , Improve , Workplace , Reveal
I just think that the Europeans are depriving themselves of a high-employment economy, and they are depriving themselves of intellectual stimulation in the workplace - and personal growth - by sticking to the stultifying, rigid system that I call corporatism.
Autor: Edmund PhelpsThink , Growth , Intellectual , Workplace
It's unfortunate that cyberbullying is something that happens to 13-year-old kids in junior high and adults in the workplace. It's something that we have to deal with as Americans.
Autor: Karen CivilSomething , Happens , High , Workplace
In the modern workplace, sexism has adopted a more subtle persona; therefore, people can be accused of sexism where it's far harder to determine whether they're actually committing sexism or thinking in a sexist way.
Autor: Jed MercurioPeople , Thinking , Way , Workplace
A workplace that encourages self-awareness is an environment where the most productive, curious, and innovative people thrive.
Autor: Neil BlumenthalPeople , Curious , Environment , Workplace