Frases sobre ''Workforce''

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Safety-net programs must make efficient use of taxpayer resources and harness the capabilities of recipients by helping them move back into the workforce.

Autor: Todd Young
  Back , Make , Use , Workforce

The deal is that women have entered the workforce, but they have not been relieved of the domestic responsibilities.

Autor: Faye Wattleton
  Women , Been , Deal , Workforce

We need to invest in a way that makes sure we've got the workforce we need in the future.

Autor: Jeanne Shaheen
  Need , Way , Future , Workforce

Arizona has a great workforce in Tucson with companies like Raytheon and Bombardier.

Autor: Jim Cantrell
  Like , Great , Workforce , Arizona

Legal immigration should emphasize merit and meeting the needs of the U.S., including specific unmet workforce needs.

Autor: Tim Pawlenty
  Legal , Meeting , Immigration , Workforce

I'm a liberally minded immigrant, leading a predominantly liberal workforce hailing from predominantly liberal cities and countries.

Autor: Tobias Lutke
  Liberal , Immigrant , Leading , Workforce

It's extremely hard for the economy to grow when the workforce is shrinking.

Autor: Todd Young
  Grow , Hard , Economy , Workforce

We've lost 3,000 jobs in Beaufort County. We've lost half of our manufacturing workforce.

Autor: Tommy Thompson
  Half , Lost , Manufacturing , Workforce

I like being in the workforce; it keeps me grounded.

Autor: Cathy Freeman
  Me , Being , Like , Workforce

Employers who recognize the importance of investing in their workforce have a more productive workforce, a more efficient workforce, a more loyal workforce, less turnover, and, in the private sector, more profitable.

Autor: Valerie Jarrett
  More , Who , Loyal , Workforce

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