Frases sobre ''Wolves''

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At times, you're welcome, depending on what's being cast. 'Dances with Wolves' - they wanted authentic-looking Indians in the film, and so they got it. The same was true with 'The Last of the Mohicans' and 'Geronimo.'

Autor: Wes Studi
  You , Welcome , True , Wolves

My mom has a tape from when I was, like, 2 years old, talking with my grandma, telling her a story that's really elaborate about werewolves and wolves.

Autor: Amanda Hocking
  Mom , Story , Talking , Wolves

In real life, wolves will do anything to avoid contact with mankind.

Autor: Liam Neeson
  Life , Will , Real , Wolves

Lone wolves won't succeed with IoT. This is a team sport.

Autor: Maciej Kranz
  Team , Succeed , Wolves , Team Sport

For almost two centuries, American gray wolves, vilified in fact as well as fiction, were the victims of vicious government extermination programs. By the time the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973, only a few hundred of these once-great predators were left in the lower 48 states.

Autor: Lydia Millet
  Time , American , Government , Wolves

When I retire I'm gonna bet on Wolves drawing every game. I'll be a multi-millionaire!

Autor: Paul Ince
  Game , Drawing , Wolves , Bet

An audience can be like a pack of wolves.

Autor: Paul Mooney
  Like , Audience , Wolves , Pack

The race of man, while sheep in credulity, are wolves for conformity.

Autor: Carl Clinton Van Doren
  Man , Race , Sheep , Wolves

I wouldn't tell anyone to study werewolves - I studied wolves, how they moved, their tendencies and sensibilities.

Autor: Joe Manganiello
  Tell , Study , How , Wolves

Of course, MIT was notable not just for its faculty but also for its students. And, facing such extremely bright kids as a rookie teacher was something like being thrown to the wolves.

Autor: Eric Maskin
  Being , Teacher , Students , Wolves

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