Frases sobre ''Wins''

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Slow but steady wins the race.

Autor: Aesop
  Race , Slow , Steady , Wins

Gravity wins over all other known forces.

Autor: Andrea M. Ghez
  Over , Other , Wins , Gravity , Known

If we have to sum up the Book of Revelation in one phrase, it would be, 'Jesus wins.'

Autor: Jud Wilhite
  Up , Book , Wins , Revelation

America wins when we trade and export and import.

Autor: Mike Pence
  America , Trade , Wins , Export

What comes after the revolution is inevitably bureaucracy. Whoever wins the revolution builds a bureaucracy.

Autor: Sean Parker
  Revolution , After , Wins , Bureaucracy

I didn't really want to be the coach who wins but the coach who educates.

Autor: Vicente del Bosque
  Want , Who , Coach , Wins

Many times, my intuition wins. I trust my intuition a lot. A lot.

Autor: Thalia
  Trust , Many , Intuition , Wins

I'm tempted by rubbish food after wins.

Autor: Thomas Tuchel
  Food , After , Wins , Rubbish

Censoriously asserting one's moral superiority and treating skeptics as imbeciles and deplorables wins few converts.

Autor: Bret Stephens
  Moral , Few , Wins , Superiority

This is not a filmy line, but truth always wins.

Autor: Shilpa Shinde
  Always , Truth , Line , Wins

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