Frases sobre ''Windows''
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I had almost rewritten all of the display code for windows, and that was when I gave up.
Autor: Bill JoyUp , Almost , Windows , Code
He has to do the heavy lifting and the windows and the wash, and also protect the president.
Autor: Alan K. SimpsonHe , President , Protect , Windows
Store windows are like landing pages on the website.
Autor: Angela AhrendtsLike , Windows , Landing , Website
Mark Hammond is working in this area, with Windows Scripting Host. It is definitely an area where Python fits almost perfectly. That's quite independent from Java, actually.
Autor: Guido van RossumWhere , Independent , Windows , Mark
In computers, we do all kinds of manual manipulations. We grab and drag icons. We click on and open windows. We pull down a screen. We stretch a screen. We scroll up and down.
Autor: Louis B. RosenbergDown , Computers , Up And Down , Windows
Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.
Autor: Mignon McLaughlinLove , Were , Doors , Windows
The Windows 95 launch was such an incredible experience.
Autor: Suzan DelBeneExperience , Launch , Incredible , Windows
Windows favors multi-threading, which means that a service is implemented by one single process.
Autor: Wietse VenemaProcess , Single , Service , Windows
Postfix keeps running even if one Postfix process dies; Windows requires that someone restarts the service.
Autor: Wietse VenemaProcess , Someone , Service , Windows
I've been using email since 1983. I started with MH and Rmail, then cc:Mail, then Microsoft Mail, with Compuserve mixed in. Eventually, I ended up using Pine for non-Windows stuff and Outlook for Windows stuff. For a while.
Autor: Brad FeldUp , Email , Started , Windows