Frases sobre ''Wheel''
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One thing I got to do that was awesome was hang off the side of this Ferris wheel and do that stunt myself.
Autor: Alexandra DaddarioMyself , Awesome , Side , Wheel
Rodents are pests and not pets, and anything that manically runs around a wheel 24/7 and occasionally has 19 babies in the middle of the night should not be brought into the house.
Autor: Claudia WinklemanHouse , Night , Anything , Wheel
Reinventing the wheel is sometimes the right thing, when the result is the radial tire.
Autor: Jonathan GilbertSometimes , Result , Right , Wheel
Wall Street wants to keep its schemes too complicated to understand so that the roulette wheel can keep turning.
Autor: Maria CantwellUnderstand , Complicated , Street , Wheel
You don't have to invent the wheel, but you might want to be the company that invents the rims.
Autor: MC HammerYou , Want , Company , Wheel
There are many spokes on the wheel of life. First, we're here to explore new possibilities.
Autor: Ray CharlesLife , New , Possibilities , Wheel
My job is not to save 'The Wheel of Time', to fix 'The Wheel of Time', or anything like that. My job is not to screw it up.
Autor: Brandon SandersonTime , Like , Job , Wheel
There's a wire injected under my skin a few days before an event and connected to that is a wireless transmitter. That device communicates my blood-glucose levels to the receiver unit, which is mounted above my steering wheel.
Autor: Charlie KimballSkin , Days , Wheel , Event
A careful inspection showed them that, even if they succeeded in righting it by themselves, the cart would travel no longer. The axles were in a hopeless state, and the missing wheel was shattered into pieces.
Autor: Kenneth GrahameTravel , Missing , Hopeless , Wheel
The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was a genius.
Autor: Sid CaesarThree , Genius , Idiot , Wheel