Frases sobre ''Well Done''

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I really, really like interior design. I grew up in a really old house outside of Philly that was built in 1821. My mom is really into antiques, and my dad is very mid-century. They're not together anymore, so in the middle of growing up, I, all of the sudden, had two houses that were very different but really well done in each of their own ways.

Autor: Abbi Jacobson
  Mom , Dad , Together , Well Done

Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done.

Autor: Ernie Kovacs
  Done , Television , Rare , Well Done

I think 'Crouching Tiger' is a genre of its own, and it's extremely well done, and God bless them for it.

Autor: Amitabh Bachchan
  Think , God , Well Done , Tiger

I'm not someone that loves dialogue - I am someone that loves movement. Action, if it's well done, can be very poetic and meaningful.

Autor: Denis Villeneuve
  I Am , Someone , Action , Well Done

The worst mistake a boss can make is not to say 'well done'.

Autor: John Ashcroft
  Mistake , Done , Well Done , Boss

I am a movie fan across the board, though, so if a movie is well done then I love it and it does not really matter what the genre is.

Autor: Tania Raymonde
  Love , I Am , Matter , Well Done

Any job very well done that has been carried out by a person who is fully dedicated is always a source of inspiration.

Autor: Carlos Ghosn
  Always , Person , Job , Well Done

To those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States.

Autor: George W. Bush
  You , Done , Students , Well Done

Even as exuberant as my style is and as over the top as I may be, I can appreciate a classic when it's really well done.

Autor: Jeremy Scott
  I Can , Appreciate , Style , Well Done

I really loved 'Fast Five.' I thought it was a brilliant movie. I thought it was so well done, well directed. The action sequences were really well thought out. It looked fantastic.

Autor: Luke Evans
  Thought , Action , Loved , Well Done

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