Frases sobre ''Wealth''
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We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness.
Autor: Tom WaitsKnowledge , Happiness , Confused , Wealth
God shows his contempt for wealth by the kind of person he selects to receive it.
Autor: Austin O'MalleyHe , God , Person , Wealth
India's rigid social structure limits intergenerational economic mobility and fosters acceptance of vast wealth disparities.
Autor: Steven RattnerIndia , Wealth , Limits , Acceptance
It's not enough to have economic growth. You have to distribute wealth throughout all of society.
Autor: Tabare VazquezYou , Society , Growth , Wealth
I asked certain rich men if they felt embittered. 'How could we not?' they said. So I asked them what caused this anguish. They blamed their wealth.
Autor: Apollonius of TyanaMen , Said , Rich , Wealth
Monetary policy is a blunt tool which certainly affects the distribution of income and wealth, although whether the net effect is to increase or reduce inequality is not clear.
Autor: Ben BernankeClear , Wealth , Inequality , Policy
I don't believe in a redistribution of wealth.
Autor: Brad SchneiderBelieve , Wealth , Redistribution
The main purpose of Social Security is to redistribute wealth, to make an increasingly large number of Americans dependent on government for their basic needs in their retirement years.
Autor: Neal BoortzSecurity , Purpose , Government , Wealth
There's no question that how Johannesburg operates is what made me interested in the idea of wealth discrepancy. 'Elysium' could be a metaphor for just Jo'burg, but it's also a metaphor for the Third World and the First World. And in science fiction, separation of wealth is a really interesting idea to mess with.
Autor: Neill BlomkampMe , Science , World , Wealth
In the end, our minds and their ability to create new ideas are the ultimate source of all human wealth. That's a resource nearly without limit.
Autor: Ramez NaamIdeas , New , End , Wealth