Frases sobre ''Wasted''
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The threat to globalization is not the wasted American dollars but Washington's readiness to mix US commercial interests with its self-appointed role as global protector.
Autor: William GreiderAmerican , Us , Globalization , Wasted
Menstruation not only carries with it the connotation of a productive system that has failed to produce; it also carries the idea of production gone awry, making products of no use, not to specification, unsalable, wasted, scrap.
Autor: Emily MartinOnly , System , Gone , Wasted
Time is money. Wasted time means wasted money means trouble.
Autor: Shirley TempleTime , Money , Trouble , Wasted
I really don't mind dying because I figure I haven't wasted this life.
Autor: Robert M. PirsigLife , Mind , Dying , Wasted
I've always been conscientious and hardworking. I've never wasted time.
Autor: Stelios Haji-IoannouAlways , Time , Never , Wasted
You're able to do more when you're not clouded with wasted anxiety.
Autor: Toks OlagundoyeYou , More , Anxiety , Wasted
No yesterdays are ever wasted for those who give themselves to today.
Autor: Brendan BehanWho , Give , Today , Wasted
As a rule, I am very careful to be shallow and conventional where depth and originality are wasted.
Autor: Lucy Maud MontgomeryWhere , I Am , Wasted , Depth