Frases sobre ''Warm''
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Even though it's not a widely appreciated yarn, any suit made from a mohair-wool blend travels exceptionally well. The retention of the mohair fiber bounces back and minimizes any creasing that occurs whilst traveling. Mohair also breathes really well, keeping you cool or warm, and is therefore extremely versatile.
Autor: Simon SpurrYou , Back , Cool , Warm
Velvet is great. It's warm as well. And it's snug.
Autor: Eddie RedmayneGreat , Well , Warm , Velvet
I wrote in the cellar for a number of years. I needed a private space, and it had a furnace, so it was always warm.
Autor: Edith PearlmanAlways , Years , Space , Warm
The industry has been very warm and welcoming, especially since I am an outsider.
Autor: Kriti SanonI Am , Industry , Warm , Outsider
A house that does not have one warm, comfy chair in it is soulless.
Autor: May SartonHome , House , Warm , Chair
When 'Attachments' came out and people liked it, I'd have a warm feeling of having made a connection.
Autor: Rainbow RowellPeople , Feeling , Connection , Warm
I thought Anurag sir would be strict, and I had certain kind of perception about him, but he was warm and interactive.
Autor: Sobhita DhulipalaHe , Thought , Perception , Warm
Ellie Kemper I just adore. She is such a warm, generous actor, and we have this wonderful rapport off camera, and that's very important.
Autor: Tituss BurgessImportant , Camera , She , Warm
I like Dubai because of the sheer scale on which the city is built. It is completely futuristic but with a warm, old-world ethos.
Autor: PrabhasLike , City , Dubai , Warm