Frases sobre ''Vulnerability''
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I personally have a philosophy around authenticity and vulnerability.
Autor: Astro TellerPhilosophy , Authenticity , Vulnerability
There's monsters in all of us, but there's also vulnerability.
Autor: Finn WittrockAlso , Us , Monsters , Vulnerability
Vulnerability is the strongest state to be in. How boring would it be if we were constantly dominant or constantly submissive?
Autor: FKA twigsHow , Boring , Vulnerability , Dominant
I don't have a problem showing vulnerability.
Autor: Lamman RuckerProblem , Showing , Vulnerability
I'm a woman who carries around all these layers of fear and vulnerability.
Autor: Teri HatcherWho , Fear , Woman , Vulnerability
We may repeat the awful revolutionary history of the 20th century because of the vulnerability of social movements to demagoguery.
Autor: Todd GitlinHistory , Social , Repeat , Vulnerability
I tend to find characters who lack vulnerability dull.
Autor: Trenton Lee StewartWho , Find , Vulnerability , Dull
Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous.
Autor: Brene BrownWeakness , Dangerous , Myth , Vulnerability
One does not kill oneself for love of a woman, but because love - any love - reveals us in our nakedness, our misery, our vulnerability, our nothingness.
Autor: Cesare PaveseLove , Us , Woman , Vulnerability
With Tourette's, there's this element of vulnerability and compassion and empathy that you innately possess because of the affliction.
Autor: Dash MihokYou , Empathy , Compassion , Vulnerability