Frases sobre ''Vintage''
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I'm heavily influenced by the Nineties - I love juxtaposing a slip dress with trainers and a vintage leather jacket.
Autor: Dua LipaLove , Dress , Vintage , Jacket
I was preppy, then suddenly switched around age 14. I asked my mother to go to this vintage store, and she let me buy a leopard swing coat, pink cigarette pants, and lime-green gloves.
Autor: Kate SpadeMe , Age , Mother , Vintage
In a lot of action films, a lot of guys are driving muscle cars or vintage cars, whereas in reality, a lot of getaway drivers would actually choose, like, commuter cars and find a way to blend into freeway traffic as quickly as possible.
Autor: Edgar WrightWay , Reality , Driving , Vintage
I have a gorgeous coat that I found at a vintage fair - it's just so elegant. Unfortunately, it has a massive hole underneath the arm, as I think I may have worn it to death!
Autor: Jessica RaineThink , Death , Vintage , Gorgeous
In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.
Autor: John SteinbeckPeople , Growing , Vintage , Grapes
I'm always buying glasses and teacups. I have way too many to use, but I just love them, particularly anything vintage.
Autor: Katie LeeLove , Way , Vintage , Glasses
I love hats! I collect vintage ones - I find them at antique shops in Kansas.
Autor: Lindsey WixsonLove , Find , Vintage , Antique
I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.
Autor: Sonam KapoorLove , World , Style , Vintage
I like to mix British classics, like a great trench, with fun vintage pieces I find in New York. L.A. style is often very relaxed and comfortable, and I appreciate that effortless feel.
Autor: Harley Viera-NewtonFeel , Great , Style , Vintage