Frases sobre ''Villain''
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If there is one thing for which the 'Real Housewives' franchise deserves artistic recognition, it is the patient and immaculate building of a villain.
Autor: Andrea SeigelPatient , Real , Building , Villain , Recognition
I usually do get to play the very sweet, charming roles... but I'm not an obvious kind of villain.
Autor: Jacki WeaverSweet , Play , Villain , Charming
Every villain has their belief system that makes perfect sense to them.
Autor: Patty JenkinsSense , Belief , Perfect , Villain
You have to love the guy that you play, even if you play the villain, you've got to love him.
Autor: Andy GarciaLove , You , Play , Villain
I was never a villain on the stage. I always played strong, sympathetic types. My first stage role with a speaking part, believe it or not, was as a priest. It wasn't until I began acting in films that the producers and directors saw me primarily as a bizarre villain.
Autor: Conrad VeidtMe , Believe , Strong , Villain
If you are Black or Brown, or a liberal or immigrant or Democrat, or a woman unwilling to quietly submit, then Ailes was the ultimate villain. You were the object of mockery and scorn - sometimes overt, often subtle. You were the thing to be gawked at, pawed at, jeered at, propositioned or feared.
Autor: Joy ReidYou , Black , Woman , Villain
I wrote this 12-page 'Luke Cage' comic book for Marvel once, and I got to create a villain. His name was Lone Shark, so there was this running thing of whether it was spelled L-O-A-N or L-O-N-E. I like the idea of 'I'm a lone shark,' and then people are like, 'You are here to collect a debt?'
Autor: Wyatt CenacYou , People , Name , Villain