Frases sobre ''Veterans''
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I come from a district where the veterans are not the richest in the country.
Autor: Corrine BrownWhere , Come , Country , Veterans
Veterans continue to get the short end of the stick when it comes to this administration.
Autor: Corrine BrownShort , End , Get , Veterans
The most basic obligation we have to our veterans is that we keep the promises that were made to them. That is what makes the recent failures of the Veterans Administration so shameful.
Autor: Doc HastingsMade , Keep , Promises , Veterans
I would just say there is one misperception of our veterans, and that is they are somehow damaged goods. I don't buy it.
Autor: Jim MattisSay , Just , Buy , Veterans
I want people to get involved and to connect with veterans.
Autor: Max MartiniPeople , Want , Get , Veterans
America's veterans embody the ideals upon which America was founded more than 229 years ago.
Autor: Steve BuyerMore , America , Years , Veterans
As Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, a constant concern for me is having our veterans dragged into partisan politics.
Autor: Tammy DuckworthMe , Politics , Secretary , Veterans
While President Bush's tax give-aways for the rich are pushing us further into debt, he compensates by increasing the out-of-pocket costs to our veterans.
Autor: Tom HarkinUs , Rich , Debt , Veterans
If we don't get a hold of what we owe Americans who are providing services to our veterans, then the entire system collapses.
Autor: Robert WilkieWho , System , Owe , Veterans