Frases sobre ''Vegan''
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Being a vegan is a first-world phenomenon, completely self-indulgent.
Autor: Anthony BourdainBeing , Vegan , Phenomenon , Self-Indulgent
I'm a vegan, but you can be really unhealthy as a vegan, too.
Autor: Emily DeschanelYou , Really , Too , Vegan
I'm really interested in vegan nail polishes, because a lot of nail polishes have a lot of toxins in them.
Autor: G. HanneliusBecause , Them , Vegan , Nail
I'm John Salley, and I'm a vegan. I'm a vegan because I'm only four pounds heaver than I was in 1989.
Autor: John SalleyOnly , Because , Four , Vegan
I'm vegan on home base, but when I travel to other countries, I throw it all into the garbage.
Autor: Lake BellHome , Travel , Garbage , Vegan
I'm technically a vegan, but I do eat egg if it's in things.
Autor: Mayim BialikEat , Things , Vegan , Egg
The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.
Autor: Jim GoadPeople , Whatever , Diet , Vegan