Frases sobre ''Vampire''

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I think the reason vampire movies have been so popular over time is that they share so many parallels with human beings.

Autor: Alexandra Cassavetes
  Time , Think , Movies , Vampire

I'm a professional non-fiction reader, that's what I do. But in my 20s we had our own vampire and witch moment, courtesy of Anne Rice, whose books I read and loved.

Autor: Deborah Harkness
  Moment , Loved , Professional , Vampire

There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created.

Autor: Guillermo del Toro
  Always , New , Like , Vampire

Eroticism bubbles beneath the surface of every vampire story, but Anne Rice is a writer to make the pot boil.

Autor: Janet Maslin
  Story , Make , Vampire , Bubbles

I've often described my book 'Anno Dracula' as 'literally, a vampire novel' - in that it battens on to other novels and sucks their lifeblood, transforming as well as feeding off them.

Autor: Kim Newman
  Book , Well , Vampire , Feeding

I want a cheeseburger so badly, but I have to be a vampire in a few weeks.

Autor: Kristen Stewart
  Want , Few , Vampire , Cheeseburger

While 'Twilight''s popularity was undeniable among both the teenagers they were aimed at and middle-aged women who flocked to the series in droves, Meyer has drawn her share of criticism for her writing. Some feminist critics assailed what they saw as Bella's mooning over her vampire lover.

Autor: Michelle Dean
  Writing , Women , Criticism , Vampire

'The Vampire Diaries' is my favorite show, so being on it was cool. I really wanted to be on all of my favorite shows, so I was on 'The Vampire Diaries', 'Law and Order', and 'House.'

Autor: iJustine
  House , Cool , Law , Vampire

If I could separate 'The Originals' from 'The Vampire Diaries' in a nutshell, I'd say that 'The Vampire Diaries' is more coming-of-age, and we're more these monsters reveling in who they are and what they are.

Autor: Joseph Morgan
  More , Say , Vampire , Monsters

I became friends with the leader of the underground vampire world. He had a fangsmith, so I had a pair made... It has become kind of my signature thing.

Autor: Madison McKinley
  Friends , World , Leader , Vampire

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