Frases sobre ''Unnecessary''
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A committee is a group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling to do the unnecessary.
Autor: Fred AllenGroup , Committee , Unnecessary , Unwilling
Committing unnecessary surgeries is very, very rare. And it's very wrong.
Autor: H. G. BissingerWrong , Very , Rare , Unnecessary
Lot of guys can take punches. The idea is not to take unnecessary punishment.
Autor: Jake LaMottaTake , Punishment , Punches , Unnecessary
Too many Americans mistrust their government. And unnecessary government secrecy feeds this mistrust.
Autor: Janet RenoGovernment , Too , Secrecy , Unnecessary
I don't like gluten-free foods - they're processed and unnecessary.
Autor: Maye MuskLike , Foods , Unnecessary , Processed
The elimination of unnecessary collateral requirements on foreign insurers and reinsurers is not only beneficial for the individual companies, but for the industry as a whole.
Autor: Mike McGavickOnly , Individual , Industry , Unnecessary
I'm not 18 anymore, so I'm not into starting unnecessary beefs. It's tacky.
Autor: Sasha GreyStarting , Anymore , Tacky , Unnecessary
Waging an unnecessary war is a grave mistake.
Autor: Scott McClellanWar , Mistake , Grave , Unnecessary