Frases sobre ''Unlucky''

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I'm one of those unlucky people who had a happy childhood.

Autor: Jonathan Coe
  People , Happy , Childhood , Unlucky

I don't think I'm an unlucky person.

Autor: Jurgen Klopp
  Think , Person , Unlucky

I've been a bit unlucky with small injuries.

Autor: Son Heung-min
  Been , Small , Injuries , Unlucky

People are lucky and unlucky not according to what they get absolutely, but according to the ratio between what they get and what they have been led to expect.

Autor: Samuel Butler
  People , Lucky , Chance , Unlucky

I'm an unlucky charm... don't go anywhere with me.

Autor: Sophie Turner
  Me , Go , Charm , Unlucky

We arrived in Argentina with a lot of injured players, including our goalkeeper. Also we were unlucky to be drawn in the same group as the two tournament favourites Italy and Argentina.

Autor: Michel Patini
  Two , Group , Goalkeeper , Unlucky

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