Frases sobre ''Underwater''

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I swam underwater for 50 meters at a time and walked the length of the pool underwater, with a brick in each hand, all on a single breath.

Autor: David Goggins
  Time , Pool , Single , Underwater

I like underwater life.

Autor: Hayao Miyazaki
  Life , Like , Underwater

I can't even open my eyes underwater.

Autor: Jessica Chastain
  Even , Eyes , Open , Underwater

I like underwater pole vaulting, because you can have perfect form without the risk.

Autor: Katie Hoff
  You , Risk , Perfect , Underwater

When you're underwater with goggles on, a couple of your senses are taken away, and it becomes this purely visual thing. It's just you and yourself.

Autor: Mark Foster
  You , Yourself , Your , Underwater

Like most people, I find watching the lazy and quiet underwater realm of a big aquarium exceptionally calming.

Autor: Michael Dirda
  People , Quiet , Lazy , Underwater

'Ghazi' has underwater stunts and was physically taxing. That added to my cardio routine.

Autor: Rana Daggubati
  Routine , Underwater , Stunts , Cardio

I bled a lot. I got hit across the face. We couldn't film for seven days. I got hit, whacked, underwater, across the face. I finished the shot, got into the boat and blood started coming out.

Autor: Steve Irwin
  Blood , Face , Boat , Underwater

I've always said, 'Underwater or on top, men and women are compatible.'

Autor: Sylvia Earle
  Always , Men , Women , Underwater

The underwater businessman philosopher Andrew Ryan was BioShock's unforgettable villain.

Autor: Tom Bissell
  Villain , Ryan , Unforgettable , Underwater

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