Frases sobre ''Unbelievable''
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It's unbelievable what one squadron of twelve aircraft did to tip the balance.
Autor: Adolf GallandDid , Balance , Unbelievable , Aircraft
Somebody writing a subroutine is unbelievable boring.
Autor: Alec BergWriting , Boring , Somebody , Unbelievable
It literally brings me to tears when Sara Ramirez sings. She's unbelievable.
Autor: Chyler LeighMe , She , Tears , Unbelievable
Steve has the most unbelievable range for a man that I've ever heard.
Autor: Eydie GormeMan , Ever , Most , Unbelievable
It's truly unbelievable, the tenacity of life.
Autor: Henry WinklerLife , Unbelievable , Truly , Tenacity
I have an unbelievable assistant who handles all of my scheduling! It's like a Tetris game.
Autor: Neil Patrick HarrisWho , Like , Game , Unbelievable
It's unbelievable. I never thought I could play for United 200 times.
Autor: Park Ji-sungNever , Thought , Play , Unbelievable
Our human population continues to expand at such a scary rate - it's unbelievable.
Autor: Bindi IrwinHuman , Scary , Unbelievable , Population