Frases sobre ''Typewriter''
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My Panasonic typewriter can make graphs. It types in four different colors.
Autor: Heather O'RourkeMake , Different , Colors , Typewriter
The exact day I became a poet was April 1, 1965, the day I bought my first typewriter.
Autor: August WilsonDay , First , Poet , Typewriter
I had a little portable typewriter. I call it my Harlem Literary Fellowship.
Autor: Amiri BarakaCall , Little , Fellowship , Typewriter
I don't do rewrites. I put all the pages in a pile next to the typewriter.
Autor: Francine PascalNext , Put , Pages , Typewriter
Miller is not really a writer but a non-stop talker to whom someone has given a typewriter.
Autor: Gerald BrenanReally , Someone , Writer , Typewriter
I'm totally in control of this tiny, tiny world right there at the typewriter.
Autor: Joan DidionWorld , Right , Control , Typewriter
I pecked my stories out two-fingered on the Remington portable typewriter my mother had bought me. I had begged for it when I was ten.
Autor: Octavia E. ButlerMe , Out , Mother , Typewriter
I still use a typewriter from time to time, but because I can't type as well as I used to, I really don't use one very much.
Autor: William Jay SmithTime , Because , Well , Typewriter