Frases sobre ''Twins''
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Body and spirit are twins: God only knows which is which.
Autor: Algernon Charles SwinburneGod , Body , Spirit , Twins
It's intense having twins. There's no way to prepare for it, but it's been... the greatest thing to ever happen to me.
Autor: Johnny MessnerMe , Way , Happen , Twins
My strength and my weakness are twins in the same womb.
Autor: Marge PiercyStrength , Weakness , Same , Twins
I'm in love with music, and I'm pregnant by it. It's like having twins. Or triplets. Or eight-lets!
Autor: R. KellyLove , Music , Like , Twins
Constant togetherness is fine - but only for Siamese twins.
Autor: Victoria BillingsOnly , Fine , Twins , Togetherness
Conjoined twins are identical siblings who develop one placenta out of a single fertilised ovum. No cases of conjoined triplets or quadruplets have been documented.
Autor: Darin StraussWho , Single , Out , Twins
Twins have a special bond. They feel safer with each other than with their peers.
Autor: Jeanne PhillipsFeel , Special , Bond , Twins
The beauty of cable is you could program for 18-year-old twins and get a hit show on cable.
Autor: Robert GreenblattYou , Beauty , Show , Twins