Frases sobre ''Twilight''
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'Twilight' is very different to the 'Vampire Academy,' completely.
Autor: Dominic SherwoodDifferent , Very , Vampire , Twilight
The Twilight Zone' wasn't around with the kids. They think going up in space is neat. Within their lifetime, there will be paying passengers on the shuttle.
Autor: Christa McAuliffeThink , Will , Space , Twilight
Twilight, a timid, fawn, went glimmering by, and Night, the dark-blue hunter, followed fast.
Autor: George William RussellNight , Fast , Twilight , Hunter
I think that 'Twilight' is so big that nothing can affect it.
Autor: Judi ShekoniNothing , Think , Big , Twilight
I probably have more friends from 'Twilight' than I've ever had in my whole life.
Autor: Kellan LutzLife , More , Friends , Twilight
I'm a 'Harry Potter' fan, a 'Twilight' fan, and I think 'The Hunger Games' surpasses them all.
Autor: Malese JowThink , Hunger , Games , Twilight
Learning all the intricacies, all the nerd elements to 'Twilight' was really fun.
Autor: Toni TrucksReally , Fun , Learning , Twilight
Well, I just finished starring in a new episode of the new The Twilight Zone television series.
Autor: Bill MumyNew , Just , Television , Twilight