Frases sobre ''Trumpet''
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I wouldn't argue that anyone living can play the trumpet better than Wynton Marsalis.
Autor: Christian ScottBetter , Living , Play , Trumpet
When I started to play trumpet I was fortunate to learn very quickly.
Autor: Frankie AvalonPlay , Started , Learn , Trumpet
There are those who wrap themselves in flags and blow the tinny trumpet of patriotism as a means of fooling the people.
Autor: George GallowayPeople , Who , Patriotism , Trumpet
The trumpet was not a lyrical singing instrument.
Autor: Herb AlpertSinging , Instrument , Trumpet , Lyrical
I played football. I played trumpet. I could draw.
Autor: Jimmy BreslinFootball , Trumpet , Could , Played
I play piano and trumpet. I studied classical guitar.
Autor: Mike FiggisPlay , Guitar , Piano , Trumpet
I enjoy singing, and the instruments which truly move me are the horn, the trumpet and the cello.
Autor: Roger BannisterMe , Singing , Enjoy , Trumpet
Louis Armstrong playing trumpet on the Judgment Day.
Autor: Al StewartDay , Playing , Judgment , Trumpet