Frases sobre ''Trash''

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Drag is about whatever persona you put on to do a particular task. I could pick up trash in the morning and throw on my navy blue jumpsuit, and that would be that gig!

Autor: Aquaria
  You , Morning , Blue , Trash

President Trump will release America's pent-up energy potential, get rid of foreign oil, trash punitive regulations, create millions of jobs, and develop our most strategic geopolitical weapon: crude oil.

Autor: Harold Hamm
  Energy , Will , America , Trash

Women make a terrible mistake because they usually are so desperate to nest that they pick on schlubs and worthless pieces of trash that they pick up in a bar.

Autor: Judy Sheindlin
  Mistake , Women , Bar , Trash

My senior project was about solid-waste management. They nicknamed me 'Trash Queen'.

Autor: Marne Levine
  Me , Management , Queen , Trash

Trash has given us an appetite for art.

Autor: Pauline Kael
  Art , Us , Trash , Appetite

As a kid, I went by Tray. In college, they called me Hitch. And Trash. And Park. All the usuals.

Autor: Traylor Howard
  Me , College , Kid , Trash

I started working when I was 13, picking up trash, bagging ice.

Autor: Bob Corker
  Up , Started , Ice , Trash

Some trash is recycled, some is thrown away, some ends up where it shouldn't end up.

Autor: Carlo Ratti
  Up , End , Some , Trash

For research, I like to go to the location of the places in the novels. The first thing that I do is involve my senses: I notice the smells; I open the trash cans and look at what people have thrown away.

Autor: Natsuo Kirino
  Look , People , Research , Trash

Trash talk is poisonous and a bad habit!

Autor: Yolanda Hadid
  Bad , Talk , Habit , Trash

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