Frases sobre ''Transition''
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In spite of the evidence for the disorder-induced M-I transition as inferred from the transport and optical measurements, the metallic state of conjugated polymers has been a subject of controversy.
Autor: Alan J. HeegerEvidence , Been , Transition , Controversy
Most child actors, once they hit 18, once they hit 21, that's it. Even teenage kids often don't make the transition.
Autor: Cynthia NixonMake , Child , Hit , Transition
Every chemical reaction has a transition state.
Autor: Derek Harold Richard BartonEvery , Reaction , Transition , Chemical
Death may simply be an alteration in consciousness, a transition for continued life in a nonmaterial form.
Autor: Edgar MitchellLife , Death , Transition , Consciousness
Similarly you can make a transition from one set of instruments to another imperceptibly.
Autor: Gavin BryarsYou , Make , Another , Transition
Secrecy is thus, so to speak, a transition stadium between being and not-being.
Autor: Georg SimmelBeing , Speak , Transition , Stadium
All I have to do is to work on transition and technique.
Autor: Usain BoltWork , Technique , Transition
I can't say that I've made the transition to movies.
Autor: Victoria PrattSay , Movies , Made , Transition
In 2010, the Spanish constitutional court annulled a large part of the Catalan statute of autonomy negotiated between Catalonia and the previous prime minister, Jose Luis Zapatero. This demolished one of the main agreements achieved during the Spanish transition to democracy - Catalonia's recovery of self-governance.
Autor: Carles PuigdemontDemocracy , Recovery , Court , Transition
I've written virtually as long as I've acted, it wasn't a sudden transition. I acted in my first play when I was 16 and I wrote my first play when I was 17.
Autor: Lennie JamesLong , First , Play , Transition