Frases sobre ''Transgender''

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If someone's OK with being the 'transgender girl,' that's fine, but that's not me.

Autor: Jazz Jennings
  Me , Girl , Someone , Transgender

Transgender doesn't need to imply loud.

Autor: Kubra Sait
  Need , Loud , Imply , Transgender

One may assume that playing a transgender is different, but I'm simply playing a third gender. Why should it make my acting process any different?

Autor: Kubra Sait
  Process , Acting , Gender , Transgender

Between 'Orange' with Laverne, the show 'Transparent,' and Caitlyn Jenner, obviously we're in the middle of something enormous - a transgender movement. I'm just proud to be alive during this massive shift in the world.

Autor: Ruby Rose
  Proud , World , Orange , Transgender

2014 was a good year for transgender rights.

Autor: Zoey Tur
  Good , Rights , Year , Transgender

On my road to self-discovery, only certain terms were available - I didn't use 'trans' or 'transgender' until junior high school, but I was living as trans much earlier.

Autor: Janet Mock
  School , High School , Road , Transgender

I think it can be difficult for young lesbian or young gay, bisexual, transgender to come out and be open with who they are because there's such a huge stigma attached to that preference of their sexuality.

Autor: Nafessa Williams
  Think , Difficult , Gay , Transgender

I learned a lot more about transgender people. It's not a choice, but a physiological condition that has to do with the size of the hypothalamus part of the brain.

Autor: Mercedes Ruehl
  People , Brain , Choice , Transgender

Also, I had read a book called She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders, written by a professor who had gone through transgender surgery, but it took this person well into his thirties to come to terms with the absolute necessity of having to do it.

Autor: Mercedes Ruehl
  Life , Book , Person , Transgender

Transgender people frequently face bias in court and are assigned unsupportive public defenders, factors which lead to more extreme sentences and longer incarcerations.

Autor: Sarah McBride
  More , People , Face , Transgender

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