Frases sobre ''Tonight''
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I've performed on 'The Tonight Show' with both Johnny Carson and Jay Leno, but not at the same time.
Autor: Thomas F. WilsonTime , Same , Show , Tonight
People want gimmicks. They have to lose 10 pounds by 8:30 tonight.
Autor: Bess MyersonPeople , Want , Lose , Tonight
Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.
Autor: Dante AlighieriAlways , Beginning , Remember , Tonight
There's times when one play makes the whole difference, one calls makes the whole difference. And tonight it was that call.
Autor: Johan SantanaCall , Play , Difference , Tonight
That's going to be on my headstone: 'He came. He wrote 'In the Air Tonight.' He... died.'
Autor: Phil CollinsHe , Air , Going , Tonight
I was supposed to be on the Tonight Show but I broke my shoulder instead.
Autor: Rip TaylorShoulder , Show , Supposed , Tonight
I grew up watching 'The Tonight Show' and Jimmy Fallon on 'SNL.'
Autor: BornsUp , Watching , Show , Tonight
When I worked for Entertainment Tonight I got to emcee Paul McCartney's press conference.
Autor: Nina BlackwoodGot , Entertainment , Conference , Tonight