Frases sobre ''The Most Important''

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The room is the most important thing about recording.

Autor: Adrian Smith
  Important , Room , The Most Important

We are not jumping on the austerity bandwagon. A healthy economy is by far the most important thing for Social Democrats.

Autor: Helle Thorning-Schmidt
  Important , Healthy , The Most Important

Theater is the most important thing in life for me.

Autor: Joel Grey
  Life , Me , Important , The Most Important

The pitch is the most important material for a football player.

Autor: Louis van Gaal
  Important , Football , The Most Important

The most important thing is not stagnating, to keep improving.

Autor: Marc-Andre ter Stegen
  Important , Keep , The Most Important

The most important thing is believing in yourself.

Autor: Patrice Evra
  Yourself , Important , The Most Important

Yankee Stadium played host to the most important prizefight ever when Joe Louis knocked out Max Schmeling in 1938.

Autor: Thomas Hauser
  Important , The Most Important , Stadium

There are several types of greenhouse gasses, but carbon dioxide is the most important.

Autor: Charles C. Mann
  Important , The Most Important , Carbon

Argentina against Brazil is the most important derby between national teams.

Autor: Gerardo Martino
  Important , Against , The Most Important

Like Afghanistan before it, Iraq is only one theater in a regional war. We were attacked by a network of terrorist organizations supported by several countries, of whom the most important were Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

Autor: Michael Ledeen
  Like , War , Important , The Most Important

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