Frases sobre ''Testing''
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Countless banks around the world are already testing distributed ledger systems in proof-of-concept trials.
Autor: Chris LarsenWorld , Around , Trials , Testing
We've created these little tiny tubes, which we call the 'nanotainers,' which are designed to replace the big, traditional tubes that come from your arm, and instead allow for all the testing to be done from a tiny drop from a finger.
Autor: Elizabeth HolmesYour , Done , Big , Testing
There are times when we're testing an actual explosion, and then there are times when we blow stuff up just because we can.
Autor: Jamie HynemanUp , Just , Just Because , Testing
I think we need to do a little more all-weather testing.
Autor: Pete ConradMore , Need , Think , Testing
We added Medicare Part D to a system facing bankruptcy and gave no thought to means testing it.
Autor: Bob InglisThought , System , Testing , Bankruptcy
Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding.
Autor: Burt RutanUnderstanding , Failure , Leads , Testing
The one size fits all approach of standardized testing is convenient but lazy.
Autor: James DysonLazy , Size , Testing , Standardized
Loss-absorbing capacity among banks is substantially higher as a result of both regulatory requirements and stress testing exercises.
Autor: Jerome PowellCapacity , Result , Stress , Testing