Frases sobre ''Ten Years''

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I held a variety of jobs - most notably ten years working in universities - and kept on writing.

Autor: Thomas Perry
  Writing , Years , Working , Ten Years

I've been working as an actress and sort of struggling along for ten years, so I've been on a million auditions for a million things I haven't booked.

Autor: Allison Tolman
  Years , Things , Actress , Ten Years

We went through ten years of the Limp Bizkit thing, and I didn't know what to do.

Autor: Courtney Love
  Know , Years , Through , Ten Years

We've spent almost ten years of our lives making 'Batman' films.

Autor: Emma Thomas
  Making , Years , Our , Ten Years

So now, cut to ten years later, and I'm making this amazing contract with Pantene. It's incredible.

Autor: Maria Menounos
  Years , Now , Amazing , Ten Years

I took five years on the first volume, five years on the second volume, and ten years on the third volume.

Autor: Shelby Foote
  First , Years , Second , Ten Years

When I was 23, I went to work for Jack Nicholson reading scripts. Later, I was married to a production designer named Richard Sylbert. So I lived in Los Angeles for ten years.

Autor: Susanna Moore
  Work , Reading , Years , Ten Years

For about the first ten years of my career, I wasn't terribly motivated.

Autor: Ron Silver
  Career , First , Years , Ten Years

A good model can advance fashion by ten years.

Autor: Yves Saint Laurent
  Good , Years , Fashion , Ten Years

Yes, there was a sort of underground cult following, which came from nowhere, and grew, and grew. It was quite surprising to us all, because all of us had spent probably the previous five to ten years without it. So it was quite overwhelming. Overwhelming and humbling.

Autor: Michael Giles
  Years , Us , Without , Ten Years

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