Frases sobre ''Telling The Truth''

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No blame should attach to telling the truth. But it does, it does.

Autor: Anita Brookner
  Truth , Does , Blame , Telling The Truth , Telling

Telling the truth to people who misunderstand you is generally promoting a falsehood, isn't it?

Autor: Anthony Hope
  You , People , Truth , Telling The Truth

This is me telling the truth. It just so happens to be a very explosive truth.

Autor: Corey Clark
  Me , Truth , Happens , Telling The Truth

Until I came out, my acting was all about disguise, and thereafter it became about telling the truth.

Autor: Ian Mckellen
  Truth , Out , Acting , Telling The Truth

I was telling the truth. I feel like we got that point across.

Autor: Jim Barksdale
  Feel , Like , Truth , Telling The Truth

There are two ways of lying. One, not telling the truth and the other, making up statistics.

Autor: Josefina Vazquez Mota
  Up , Truth , Telling The Truth , Statistics

In nonfiction, you have that limitation, that constraint, of telling the truth.

Autor: Peter Matthiessen
  You , Truth , Telling The Truth , Telling

The second one, the joint Truth and Friendship Commission, which we started now with Indonesia, that is the one that has been criticized; its terms of reference call for providing amnesty for those who cooperate in telling the truth. It does not lead to prosecution.

Autor: Jose Ramos-Horta
  Truth , Friendship , Telling The Truth

I wanted readers to be genuinely unsure as to whether she's telling the truth or lying. It meant making her partly sympathetic, and partly unsympathetic, which wasn't easy.

Autor: Lee Child
  Truth , Easy , She , Telling The Truth

The English are polite by telling lies. The Americans are polite by telling the truth.

Autor: Malcolm Bradbury
  Truth , English , Telling The Truth , Lies

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