Frases sobre ''Technological''

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You should approach technological things in a nostalgic way.

Autor: Colin Greenwood
  You , Way , Things , Technological

Technological prescience in science fiction usually requires an author with luck. Societal prescience requires a poet.

Autor: Heidi Hammel
  Science , Luck , Poet , Technological

Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the U.S. imperialists who boast of their technological superiority.

Autor: Kim Il-sung
  Who , Will , Defeat , Technological

The pace of technological change in recent years has been both impressive and positive for consumers.

Autor: Mike Ferguson
  Years , Change , Positive , Technological

Every technological advance we've made in the 21st century and throughout the 20th has come from the United States of America.

Autor: Phil Gramm
  America , Come , Made , Technological

Congress should... at least keep pace with technological advances.

Autor: Suzan DelBene
  Should , Congress , Keep , Technological

But if the technological Singularity can happen, it will.

Autor: Vernor Vinge
  Will , Happen , Technological , Singularity

Greater technological connectivity makes the world wider, and the walls of isolation - thinner.

Autor: Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
  World , Isolation , Walls , Technological

Technological man can't believe in anything that can't be measured, taped, or put into a computer.

Autor: Clare Boothe Luce
  Man , Anything , Believe , Technological

We live in this miraculous technological environment, and yet our human behaviour is still governed by basic impulses from prehistoric times.

Autor: Genesis P-Orridge
  Live , Human , Environment , Technological

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