Frases sobre ''Take''
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I love Michelle Williams and Natalie Portman - those are the careers I want. My goal is to win an Oscar, and I'm going to take the steps to get there.
Autor: Ashley BensonLove , Want , Get , Win , Take
Absolve me, teach me, purify me, strengthen me: take me to Thyself, that I may be Thine and Thine only.
Autor: Joseph Barber LightfootMe , Only , Take , Teach
I know nothing about mysteries. I don't take to them.
Autor: Joseph WisemanKnow , About , Nothing , Take
I take a ton of pride in what our flag and our anthem stands for.
Autor: Mike SchultzTake , Pride , Our , Flag
I was not allowed to take spherical trigonometry because I'd sprained my ankle. Because I'd sprained my ankle, I had an incomplete in gym, phys ed. And the rule was that if you had an incomplete in anything, you were not allowed to take an overload.
Autor: William ShockleyYou , Gym , Anything , Take
On collar wounds, we normally manage to save them, but they can take weeks to heal because they're so deep, and they sort of grow into the flesh under the arm.
Autor: Celia HammondGrow , Take , Deep , Wounds
You do take a beating in professional wrestling. But I love it.
Autor: Dave BautistaLove , You , Take , Professional
When the scheme for the construction of a railroad from Baltimore to the waters of the Ohio River first began to take form, the United States had barely emerged from the Revolutionary period.
Autor: John MoodyFirst , Take , River , Construction