Frases sobre ''Sweater''
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There are times to be casual and times to be correct. It's all right to wear a sweater and slacks on a picnic, but they don't belong in the theater or the drawing room.
Autor: Elsa SchiaparelliWear , Drawing , Picnic , Sweater
I always wear my sweater back-to-front; it is so much more flattering.
Autor: Diana VreelandMore , Always , Wear , Sweater
I was a kid who had asthma and bifocals and wore sweater vests.
Autor: Garrett ClaytonWho , Kid , Sweater , Asthma
Like, I'll wear a bright sweater with pants that are a more classic color.
Autor: J. R. SmithColor , Wear , Classic , Sweater
To feel at ease, I wear trousers and a cashmere sweater.
Autor: Lindsey WixsonFeel , Wear , Trousers , Sweater
I just bring a black turtleneck sweater everywhere - it's the greatest purchase of my life. Period.
Autor: Nora EphronLife , Black , My Life , Sweater
When I got to Grinnell College, I was part of the black turtleneck sweater and Camel cigarette crowd of poets and writers.
Autor: Peter CoyoteBlack , College , Cigarette , Sweater
I actually don't shop very much. I have a tendency to rotate a few pairs of ripped jeans and an old cashmere sweater.
Autor: Candace BushnellOld , Very , Jeans , Sweater
I suffer from peroxide phobia. Every time I've gotten near a blond woman, something of mine has disappeared. Jobs, boyfriends... one time an angora sweater leaped right off my body.
Autor: Rita RudnerTime , Body , Woman , Sweater