Frases sobre ''Sushi''

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A sushi chef has to spot the best-quality fresh fish instantly.

Autor: Nobu Matsuhisa
  Chef , Fish , Fresh , Sushi

Tuesday nights are sushi nights, so we go out then.

Autor: Al Roker
  Go , Nights , Out , Sushi

Don't dunk your nigiri in the soy sauce. Don't mix your wasabi in the soy sauce. If the rice is good, complement your sushi chef on the rice.

Autor: Anthony Bourdain
  Your , Good , Chef , Sushi

Tip your drag queens, bartenders, and don't rub your chopsticks together at the sushi restaurant. Also, just in general, don't be a dirtbag human.

Autor: Aquaria
  Your , Together , Restaurant , Sushi

We grew up in Texas. We ate fried chicken and steak all the time. I didn't eat sushi until I was 24.

Autor: Arden Cho
  Time , Eat , Chicken , Sushi

Sushi is my favorite thing to do in L.A.

Autor: Liam Hemsworth
  Thing , Favorite , Sushi , Favorite Thing

The fine art of preparing sushi is something that you watch and learn.

Autor: Nobu Matsuhisa
  You , Something , Art , Sushi

I'm not making art, I'm making sushi.

Autor: Masaharu Morimoto
  Making , Art , Sushi

I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything.

Autor: Kate Beckinsale
  More , Me , Say , Sushi

What I do gorge on is sushi. This is the only dish I don't mind overindulging in.

Autor: Sushmita Sen
  Mind , Only , Sushi , Dish

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