Frases sobre ''Superman''
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The thing that's been exciting about 'Superman' is to see how the character has developed through generations.
Autor: Grant MorrisonSee , Character , How , Superman
Right before I jumped out of a plane, I knew what Superman felt like.
Autor: Harry Shum, Jr.Like , Out , Right , Superman
Christopher Reeve will always be Superman in my mind.
Autor: Jason BehrAlways , Will , Mind , Superman
When I was in middle school, some of my so-called friends found a catalog ad I did for Superman pajamas. They made as many copies as they could and pasted them up all over school.
Autor: Jensen AcklesFriends , Some , School , Superman
George Reeves was really Superman in my eyes. For him to come on the set and be there was a treat for me.
Autor: Keith ThibodeauxMe , Eyes , Treat , Superman
I'm honestly as happy writing Superman Adventures as I am writing Wanted.
Autor: Mark MillarI Am , Writing , Happy , Superman
I really wasn't even aware that Batman and Superman had this kind of grudging friendship.
Autor: Mark ValleyKind , Friendship , Superman , Aware
And the spirit of Superman is great to have around.
Autor: Brandon RouthGreat , Spirit , Around , Superman
Batman and Superman are probably my favorite superheroes - apart from Constantine.
Autor: Matt RyanFavorite , Apart , Superman , Batman