Frases sobre ''Superior''
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I think miniatures are still superior to a lot of computer graphics.
Autor: Douglas TrumbullThink , I Think , Superior , Still
I have always told my subordinates that when they commit any mistakes, the blame must be laid on the superior officers.
Autor: Chiang Kai-shekAlways , Superior , Mistakes , Blame
On the national security front, Rick Santorum is superior to any candidate I know.
Autor: Foster FriessKnow , Superior , Security , Candidate
Superior and inferior wage one hundred battles a day.
Autor: Han FeiDay , Superior , Battles , Inferior
Bulldogs have been known to fall on their swords when confronted by my superior tenacity.
Autor: Margaret HalseySuperior , Been , Fall , Tenacity
Relieving the risk of a nuclear conflict with Iran diplomatically is superior than trying to do that militarily.
Autor: Martin DempseyConflict , Superior , Trying , Risk
The iPad is a superior consumption device for material on the Web.
Autor: Mike McCueSuperior , Web , IPad , Consumption
At 100, I have a mind that is superior - thanks to experience - than when I was 20.
Autor: Rita Levi-MontalciniMind , Experience , Superior , Thanks
To vice, innocence must always seem only a superior kind of chicanery.
Autor: OuidaAlways , Only , Superior , Innocence