Frases sobre ''Strict''

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My parents were incredibly strict, almost military style.

Autor: John Leguizamo
  Parents , Style , Military , Strict

My father was very strict.

Autor: Alyssa Edwards
  Father , Very , Strict

Writing in a strict form can surprise you.

Autor: Anne Stevenson
  You , Writing , Surprise , Strict

I'm pretty strict with videos, at least the imagery stuff.

Autor: Dev Hynes
  Pretty , Videos , Strict , Imagery

The Quaker upbringing was not strict, but it was frugal. Extremely frugal. One was always encouraged to give away one's worldly goods.

Autor: Kathy Baker
  Always , Give , Away , Strict

I grew up in a very strict Pentecostal household.

Autor: Kelly Price
  Up , Very , Strict , Household

I am quite strict as a dad but I don't want to be censorious.

Autor: Nick Clegg
  Want , I Am , Dad , Strict

I came from a very strict background.

Autor: Wes Craven
  Background , Very , I Came , Strict

I follow an extremely strict diet counting my calorie intake, keeping in mind a very balanced ratio of proteins, carbs, and fats.

Autor: Rithvik Dhanjani
  Mind , Follow , Diet , Strict

The principle that certain sins should not receive the Church's testimony of forgiveness was probably no novelty at all, but had been applied in various churches; perhaps, however, with no strict consistency.

Autor: Robert Rainy
  Church , Forgiveness , Consistency , Strict

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