Frases sobre ''Stranger''
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It's really hard for me to be open and be completely honest with a stranger.
Autor: Anderson EastMe , Hard , Open , Stranger
'HIM' is much more of a British, coming-of-age series, while 'Stranger Things' is very obviously a sci-fi drama.
Autor: Fionn WhiteheadDrama , More , Things , Stranger
Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.
Autor: Franklin P. JonesCriticism , Hard , Friend , Stranger
Truth is stranger than fiction; fiction has to make sense.
Autor: Leo RostenTruth , Sense , Truth Is , Stranger
The adage that fact is stranger than fiction seems to be especially true for the workings of the brain.
Autor: Vilayanur S. RamachandranTrue , Brain , Fact , Stranger
I liked 'Making A Murderer,' 'Master of None.' 'Stranger Things' I watched along with everyone else in the world. 'Narcos,' I really liked 'Narcos' a lot.
Autor: Charlie BrookerEveryone , World , Things , Stranger
Even though my approach is slightly different, the Luke Cage of 'Jessica Jones' is no stranger to the Luke Cage of Marvel's 'Luke Cage.' It's really a continuation to a certain extent. It's just got a little different flavor, but it's still the same suit.
Autor: Cheo Hodari CokerJust , Suit , Stranger , Cage
There's a lot to love about Nancy Wheeler in the second season of 'Stranger Things.'
Autor: Natalia DyerLove , Things , To Love , Stranger