Frases sobre ''Stick''

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I don't see a lot of films. I'm quite choosy, but there's certain films that stick out.

Autor: Christopher Eccleston
  See , Out , Quite , Stick

You don't want to overthink; you want to just stick with what you've been given.

Autor: Amanda Warren
  You , Want , Just , Stick

Aphorisms are bad for novels. They stick in the reader's teeth.

Autor: Anatole Broyard
  Bad , Stick , Teeth , Reader

I've done a lot of movies, and they didn't all stick.

Autor: Howard Deutch
  Done , Movies , Lot , Stick

There's an awful lot of terrible television which I could do, but I mostly stick to Have I Got News for You.

Autor: Ian Hislop
  You , News , Television , Stick

As politicians, we're very, very much trained to say something and stick with it.

Autor: Justin Trudeau
  Something , Say , Politicians , Stick

Nature doesn't feel compelled to stick to a mathematically precise algorithm; in fact, nature probably can't stick to an algorithm.

Autor: Margaret Wertheim
  Feel , Nature , Stick , Fact

If you don't stick up for what's yours, and defend what's yours... what are you?

Autor: Randy Quaid
  You , Up , Stick , Yours

The rich stick together; the poor and the marginalised are thrown together.

Autor: Tariq Ramadan
  Poor , Together , Rich , Stick

A lot like Dave Matthews or John Mayer, I kind of stick with the acoustic genre.

Autor: Brandon Jones
  Like , Kind , Stick , Genre

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