Frases sobre ''Stealing''

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I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one's identity is totally different.

Autor: AnnaLynne McCord
  Know , Identity , Different , Flattery , Stealing

Normally, when I'm not performing or stealing, I second-guess myself; I have doubts.

Autor: Apollo Robbins
  Myself , Performing , Stealing , Doubts , Second-Guess

There's a difference between hiring writers and stealing jokes.

Autor: Chris Cubas
  Difference , Between , Jokes , Stealing

I'm not convinced that stealing an iPhone is a felony or stealing a bike is a felony.

Autor: DeRay Mckesson
  Bike , IPhone , Convinced , Stealing

Lying, stealing, and cheating are commonplace.

Autor: Joseph B. Wirthlin
  Cheating , Lying , Stealing , Commonplace

Stealing things is a glorious occupations, particularly in the art world.

Autor: Malcolm Mclaren
  World , Art , Things , Stealing

I've been stealing scenes all my life.

Autor: Mickey Rooney
  Life , My Life , Been , Stealing

Although there's no one I really pattern my game after, I am a firm believer in stealing stuff from other people.

Autor: Mohamed Bamba
  People , Game , I Am , Stealing

My ancestors came from Co Roscommon, transported to Van Diemen's Land for stealing food.

Autor: Richard Flanagan
  Land , Food , Stealing , Ancestors

We have a problem now with parents stealing their kids' CDs, so the roles have been reversed.

Autor: Jerry Only
  Parents , Now , Problem , Stealing

Websites don't have to be complicated