Frases sobre ''Steal''

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A man with a briefcase can steal millions more than any man with a gun.

Autor: Don Henley
  More , Man , Gun , Steal

Galleries are easier to steal from than the Apple Store, maybe.

Autor: Barry McGee
  Than , Apple , Steal , Maybe

Using a special device, it's possible to steal calls and impersonate callers in the middle of a call as it's happening.

Autor: Eli Biham
  Special , Possible , Steal , Happening

I would never steal another woman's man.

Autor: Kristen Renton
  Never , Man , Woman , Steal

Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.

Autor: Lionel Trilling
  Art , Steal , Mature , Immature

You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.

Autor: Moses
  You , Lie , Steal , Deal

I'm a great collaborator. I really am. I will steal anyone's idea if it is a good one.

Autor: Sondra Locke
  Will , Good , Great , Steal

Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must.

Autor: Branch Rickey
  Must , Mean , Steal , Thou

A likely source for terrorists seeking to buy or steal nuclear materials is the former Soviet Union.

Autor: Lee H. Hamilton
  Steal , Buy , Union , Soviet

So to make those checks better, I used to steal lollipops and sell them at school - but I got caught.

Autor: Method Man
  Better , School , Make , Steal

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