Frases sobre ''Statistics''
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If we knew about the real facts and statistics of mortality, we'd be terrified.
Autor: Vilayanur S. RamachandranAbout , Real , Facts , Statistics
Stories change people while statistics give them something to argue about.
Autor: Bernie SiegelPeople , Something , Change , Statistics
It is now proved beyond doubt that smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
Autor: Fletcher KnebelDoubt , Beyond , Smoking , Statistics
Statistics are to baseball what a flaky crust is to Mom's apple pie.
Autor: Harry ReasonerMom , Baseball , Apple , Statistics
Math is a language that you use to describe statistics, but really it's about collecting information and putting it in an order that makes sense.
Autor: Lauren StamileYou , Language , Information , Statistics
There are some scary statistics out there: one in five kids aged 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation or approach via the Internet.
Autor: Mark KennedyInternet , Some , Scary , Statistics
I could ask the Phillies to keep me on to add to my statistics, but my love for the game won't let me do that.
Autor: Mike SchmidtLove , Me , Game , Statistics
The opposition has moved from a blaming the victim to blaming the victim's advocate's statistics. Irrespective of what the numbers are, it's far too many.
Autor: Patricia IrelandNumbers , Far , Opposition , Statistics
All too often when liberals cite statistics, they forget the statisticians' warning that correlation is not causation.
Autor: Thomas SowellForget , Warning , Statistics , Liberals
There are over 500,000 registered sex offenders across the country, and statistics have shown that the recidivism rate for those criminals is high.
Autor: Jim SensenbrennerHigh , Country , Sex , Statistics