Frases sobre ''Standard''
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National Parks are the gold standard for conservation.
Autor: Douglas TompkinsGold , National , Standard , Conservation
I like to grill, like a standard guy. I like to grill steaks and fish.
Autor: Ben FalconeLike , Guy , Fish , Standard
Cosmoe works on any of the standard filesystems available for Linux.
Autor: Bill HaydenAny , Standard , Available , Linux
There is no standard 'therapeutic process,' since there are so many different schools of therapy.
Autor: David D. BurnsProcess , Different , Therapy , Standard
I get very involved with my things, and they are not standard equipment.
Autor: Iris ApfelGet , Things , Very , Standard
I'm not a public figure; I shouldn't have to be held to a certain standard of beauty.
Autor: Jenji KohanBeauty , Figure , Certain , Standard
Elected officials have always been held to a higher standard, as we should be.
Autor: Mike CoffmanAlways , Higher , Should , Standard
I want the same standard applied to homosexuals as is applied to heterosexuals.
Autor: Rosie O'DonnellWant , Same , Standard , Homosexuals
I hate overweight, because it implies that there's a weight standard I should be adhering to.
Autor: Camryn ManheimBecause , Hate , Weight , Standard
The standard formulation on remedy is that it ought to cure past violations and prevent their recurrence. That's what antitrust is all about.
Autor: Charles JamesAbout , Past , Cure , Standard