Frases sobre ''Spy''

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However I dress it up, I was a spy and I am not proud of it.

Autor: Christine Keeler
  Proud , I Am , Dress , Spy

I've always loved spy stories. Who can resist?

Autor: Gayle Lynds
  Always , Who , Loved , Spy

Breaking a cardinal rule of spy craft, I actually let it be known that I wanted to work for the CIA.

Autor: James Luceno
  Craft , Work , Breaking , Spy

My wife has a small part in 'Spy,' and that movie killed me repeatedly.

Autor: John Ross Bowie
  Me , Small , Wife , Spy

I always liked spy stories.

Autor: Walter Wager
  Always , Stories , Spy , Liked

Setting people to spy on one another is not the way to protect freedom.

Autor: Tommy Douglas
  People , Freedom , Way , Spy

'Homeland' is a thriller with a lot of cloak and dagger spy stuff, which is one of the things that makes it so much fun.

Autor: Adam Rayner
  Fun , Things , Spy , Homeland

Today's difference between Russia and the United States is that in Russia everybody takes everybody else for a spy, and in the United States everybody takes everybody else for a criminal.

Autor: Friedrich Durrenmatt
  Today , Difference , Russia , Spy

I've been called a spy of Israel since 1996, and since I made my documentary film in 2000 the FBI has investigated me as an agent of Iraq. The FBI has also opened up an investigation into my wife calling her a KGB spy.

Autor: Scott Ritter
  Me , Wife , Her , Spy

In 1996, when my first novel, 'Masquerade,' was published, I knew international thrillers - or spy novels, if you prefer - had been the domain of male authors for decades.

Autor: Gayle Lynds
  You , First , Been , Spy

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