Frases sobre ''Spider''

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It appears to me that almost any man may like the spider spin from his own inwards his own airy citadel.

Autor: John Keats
  Me , Own , Man , Spider

When I go to the garage to pick up my clubs, I clean the spider webs off.

Autor: John Ratzenberger
  Up , Go , Clean , Spider

The guy has to kill the spider and get the dead mouse outta the pool.

Autor: Leah Remini
  Pool , Guy , Dead , Spider

We now fly with an airbus, which has 210 seats, six times the week to Palma to the spider of the air Berlin.

Autor: Niki Lauda
  Air , Week , Fly , Spider

People will be able to survive, of course, without honeycreepers and monk seals. But if the wolf spider is in trouble, we are in trouble, too.

Autor: Susanna Moore
  People , Trouble , Survive , Spider

It's like going to the zoo when you come to my house. I have snakes, three sharks, moray eels, piranhas, five scorpions and a bird spider.

Autor: Tracy Morgan
  You , House , Bird , Spider

Some spider silks are really strong, but not all of them are. The ones that are really strong can actually rival steel and approach the tensile strength of Kevlar. Thus far, the dragline silk seems to be the strongest.

Autor: Cheryl Hayashi
  Some , Strength , Strong , Spider

If I see a spider in my house, I put it in a cup, and then I take it outside. I save it. What is wrong with me?

Autor: Jacqueline Emerson
  Me , See , Wrong , Spider

If I see a spider in my room, I gotta sleep on the couch for, like, two days.

Autor: Jayson Tatum
  See , Sleep , Room , Spider

If I see a spider in the flat, I try to get a cup and a piece of paper and throw it out of the window. I can't kill them because they're good for catching flies.

Autor: Matt Smith
  See , Good , Window , Spider

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