Frases sobre ''Sparkle''

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I wanted to do Dreamgirls. If they're doing a stage production of Sparkle, I think that would be hot.

Autor: Deborah Cox
  Doing , Think , Hot , Sparkle

When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.

Autor: Ella Woodward
  Life , You , Day , Sparkle

There are a lot of parallels to the 'Sparkle' story and my story.

Autor: Jordin Sparks
  Story , Lot , Sparkle , Parallels

When you meet kin, there is an energy and sparkle between your bodies. It must be chemical somehow - DNA and genes.

Autor: Liv Tyler
  You , Energy , Meet , Sparkle

Everybody loves things that sparkle.

Autor: Philip Treacy
  Everybody , Things , Sparkle , Loves

I won't be attempting to write Jane Austen-style prose - that would be suicidal. But I will attempt to bring the highest level of my own prose, and to make it sparkle.

Autor: Val McDermid
  Own , Will , My Own , Sparkle

My dad had a candy-apple red sparkle drag boat with a giant hemi engine in it that he raced professionally. The sound of that engine was the most incredible sound ever.

Autor: Brian Reitzell
  Dad , Red , Boat , Sparkle

If, in the very first pages, I'm forced to read gratuitous phrases or banal metaphors, I won't be able to get inside the story. Only if the sentences 'sparkle' can I get hooked.

Autor: Herta Muller
  Only , Inside , Story , Sparkle

'Sparkle' fell into my lap. I had heard a little bit about it, that it was being redone in early 2011. I was just kind of like, 'Oh, that would be really cool,' and not really thinking too much about it, and then it came through my agency. I read it, I fell in love with the script and I went in to audition.

Autor: Jordin Sparks
  Love , Thinking , Cool , Sparkle

The quality and sparkle of Hearts On Fire diamonds is truly unmatched, and I am really excited to represent the brand.

Autor: Morena Baccarin
  I Am , Fire , Quality , Sparkle

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